Despite numerous discoveries in the field of cancer treatment, the number of oncological diseases increases every year. According to the latest data, malignant neoplasms account for 18 million diagnoses and 9.5 million deaths, while the number of people diagnosed with cancer will only grow, and by 2035 it could reach 24 million people.
Oncological disease (cancer) is a neoplasm caused by pathological cell growth. Cells lose their normal control mechanism and acquire the ability to continuously multiply, invade nearby tissues, migrate to distant parts of the body and promote the emergence of new blood vessels that provide cells with nutrients. Malignant cells can develop from any tissue in the body.
It often happens that the occurrence of a tumor is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition of the body, fatigue, and it is very easy to attribute everything to simple overwork, but this condition continues for a fairly long period. This is a reason to schedule a visit to the doctor, and if in addition to fatigue, you observe the following additional symptoms, consult a doctor immediately:- Rapid weight loss in a short period of time
- Slight increase in temperature
- Depressive state, irritability
- Sleep disorders, insomnia
- Painful sensations in the body, the etiology of which is unclear
- Skin changes: the appearance of pigment spots, yellowness, redness
- Disruption of the intestines and bladder: constipation or diarrhea, difficulty urinating
- Indigestion: lack of appetite, discomfort after eating
- Cancer treatment methods:
- Chemotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Immunotherapy
- Targeted therapy
- Viral therapy
- Photodynamic therapy
Some tumors can be cured only with a knife, others - only with radiation therapy, while others require a complex combination of drugs and radiation therapy. The sequence of treatment, the choice of drugs and their dose are important. There is no single miracle cure for cancer.
Sometimes, to achieve maximum effect, doctors combine several treatment methods, conducting them simultaneously or sequentially. To decide on the preferred treatment method, it is necessary to evaluate many different factors.
You should not think that if a doctor changes the treatment tactics, this necessarily indicates a deterioration in the patient's condition. In fact, in oncology, many methods are used in combination, since this approach is the most effective.
The Tau Sunkar clinics use the most modern, original chemotherapy drugs. We have the ability to analyze the molecular genetic profile of the tumor and select the most effective combination of drugs for each specific case. Such a personalized approach to cancer treatment helps to improve the prognosis.
A whole list of treatment types is carried out: chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy of various diseases using a high-precision infusion pump (infusomat). Get treatment according to European standards and protocols in Kazakhstan, at domestic prices.
It is assumed that in the future, the incidence of malignant neoplasms will only increase. For this reason, we strive to develop and implement into clinical practice.